
Humedica e. V. was founded in 1979 and is based in Kaufbeuren. It is a non-governmental organization which was able to provide support in more than 90 countries since its foundation. It supports people who are dependent on help due to disasters or due to structural poverty. Especially medical emergency and disaster relief is provided.


The Christmas campaign „Geschenk mit Herz“ („heart-felt gift“), which was initiated in 2003, is one of the best-known humedica e.V. projects in Germany. Parcels are packed for children of different age groups. The Bavarian-wide donation packages are packed by private people, companies, kindergartens, and schools. The parcels are packed with colorful wrapping paper and the contents are selected for boy or girl accordingly. Additionally, the age group of the child can be marked on a coupon that is to be glued. A majority of the packets goes to Eastern Europe. Even today, painting and craft utensils belong to the most popular gifts for children, and so LYRA took the opportunity to support humedica e.V. with some similar projects.

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